Analysis from the 9th round |
Dear chess lovers, you can find some spectacular moments of the ninth round below;
Muzychuk,Anna - Foisor,Cristina-Adela

White has got an advantage from the opening and managed to increase the pressure, so Black's position is really hard... 30.Qf5?? But this careless move gives away a huge part of White's advantage. [One of the numerous possible continuations is 30.Rh1!?± , not only setting control on "h" file but also preparing to grab a4 pawn with Qd1.] 30...Nxc5! All of a sudden Black has got a counterplay! 31.Qxg5!? Only possibility to fight for advantage! [31.bxc5?! d5 32.Qxg5 dxc4 and all Black pieces are coming to life quite quickly.; 31.Qxf7?! d5! and Black is fine - 32.Qxf8 (32.exd6? Bf5+ 33.Ka1 Bxb2+ 34.Kxb2 Re2+!–+) 32...Rxf8 33.Be2 Ne4 34.Bd4 Bxg4 35.Bxg4 Nxf2 36.Bxf2 Rxf2 37.e6 Bf6 and it's White who has to be careful. ] 31...Ne4 32.Qf4 d5

33.Be2?! It's hard to blame Anna for this solid-looking retreat as she was already in timetrouble. [I don't know if White had considered 33.Bxd5!? cxd5 34.Rxd5 where only 34...c6!! is sufficient keep the balance. (34...Bb7 35.Rb5!±) 35.e6+ Kb7 36.Bxg7 Qxg7 37.Qxe4 Rxe6!? (37...cxd5 38.Qxd5+ Kb8 39.Qb5+ Kc7 40.Qxe8 Qxg4 and White has to give perpetual.) 38.Re5 f5! 39.Qe2 Qxg4 40.Rxe6 Bxe6 41.Qxe6 Qd1+ and now perpetual would be given by Black.] 33...Qe7?! At this stage both players were short on time, so it's not a big surprise a few inaccurate moves were played. [After the strongest 33...Qh8! White had to find 34.Qc1! to avoid trouble. (34.Nf6?! Bxf6 35.exf6 Nc3+! 36.Bxc3 Rxe2 with dangerous initiative.) 34...Bxg4 35.Bxg4 Bxe5 36.Qxc6 Bxb2 37.Qb5+=] 34.f3 Ng5 35.Bd3 Nh3 [35...Ne6!]

36.Qd4 [36.Qc1! Bxg4? 37.fxg4 Kb7 38.Ba6+! Kxa6 39.Qxc6+ Ka7 40.Rxd5+-] 36...Ng5 37.Rf1 Ne6 38.Qc3 Nd8? Too passive! [Black could get a good counterplay with 38...c5!? 39.Bb5?! Rh8 40.Bxa4 Ba6 with descent compensation for the pawn.] 39.Nf6! Bxf6 40.exf6 Qe3 41.g4! White's advantage is obvious.

41...Ne6?! [41...Bb7! would offer some chances to defend, as 42.Bc2?! Ba6 43.Rd1 Qf2! promises black good counterplay.] 42.Bc2! Changing Black's last active piece! 42...Qxc3 43.Bxc3 Ba6 44.Re1! Bc4 45.g5!

White's pawn majority supported with a pair of bishops decides the game. 45...d4?! 46.Bxd4 Rh8 [46...Rg8 47.Be3] 47.Be3 Rh3 48.f4 Rg3 49.Bxa4 [49.g6 would win at once - 49...fxg6 50.f7 Kb7 51.Bc5+- , but White is not in rush as Black can't do anything about this break.] 49...Kb7 50.Bc2 Bd5 51.Kb2 Rg4

52.g6! fxg6 53.f7 Nf8 54.Bc5 Rxf4 55.Bxf8 Perhaps that was a good moment to resign, but sometimes you just continue to make moves without much hope... 55...Rxf7 56.Bc5 g5 57.Rg1 Rg7 58.Bd4 Rg8 59.Bh7 Re8 60.Rxg5 Re2+ 61.Kc1 Re1+ 62.Kd2 Rh1 63.Bc2 Rh2+ 64.Kc1 Rh1+ 65.Kb2 Rh2 66.Re5 Bf7 67.Kc3 Rh3+ 68.Re3 Rh1 69.Be4 Rc1+ 70.Kd2 Rc4 71.Bc5 Bd5 72.Bxd5 cxd5 73.Rd3 Kc6 74.Rd4 Kb5 75.Rxc4 Kxc4 76.a4 d4 77.Bf8 d3 78.Be7 Kd4 79.a5 Kd5 1–0
Khurtsidze,Nino - Cmilyte,Viktorija

17...Nxd5! 18.Nxd5 [18.Bd2 Ndc7 and Black has extra pawn.] 18...Rxb2 19.Qd3 e6?! [That was nothing wrong with 19...Qxa5 20.Nxe7+ Kh8 and Black is a pawn up, but Victoria prefers to complicate the position as much as possible.] 20.Nc4 Rxe2!

21.Nc3? [21.Ndb6! Rxe4!? (21...Bxa1 22.Rxa1 Qf6 23.e5 Qxf4 24.Qxe2 Bc6 25.g3 Qf5 26.exd6 and position is far from being clear.) 22.Qxe4 d5 23.Nxd5 exd5 24.Qxd5 Bxa1 25.Rxa1 Qf6 26.Be5 and White shouldn't be worse.] 21...Bxc3! 22.Qxc3 Rxe4! 23.Bh6 Rd4 24.Bxf8 Kxf8 With three pawns for exchange Black's position is clearly better. 25.Rfb1 Bc6 26.a5 Qg5 27.Ne3 Nf6 28.Rb6

28...Nd5! 29.h4 Qe5 30.Nxd5 Bxd5 [Tempting was 30...Qxd5 , however, after 31.Qg3 Rxh4!? (31...Bb5 32.Qg5 Qxg5 33.hxg5 Bc4 34.Rc1 with some practical chances for a draw.) 32.Rxa6 (32.Rxc6 Qh5 33.Qxh4 Qxh4) 32...Qd4 33.Qxh4 Qxh4 34.Rxc6 things are far from clear as "a" pawn shouldn't be underestimated.] 31.Re1 Qf4 32.Rxa6 Qxh4

33.Qg3? White's intention to change the queens is perfectly understandable, however, this move loses by force. [33.f3!? Qg3 34.Rf1 would let White to stay in the game a bit longer, nevertheless Black's advantage seems decisive to me.] 33...Qxg3 34.fxg3 Rd2 Now it's all over as White is loosing another pawn without getting any counterplay. 35.Rxd6 Rxg2+ 36.Kf1 Ra2 37.a6 Bc4+ 38.Kg1 Bxa6 39.Rb1 Bc4 40.Rc1 Bd5 41.Rxc5 Rg2+ 42.Kf1 Rxg3
 Spectacular position! White is helpless against the march of four(!) connected black pawns. 43.Rc7 h5 44.Rdd7 Rf3+ 45.Kg1 Kg7 46.Kh2 h4 47.Rd8 g5 48.Rcc8 Rf1 49.Kh3 Bf3 0–1
Pogonina,Natalija - Lahno,Kateryna

42...d5! Only reasonable attempt to play for a win. 43.Kd3 [43.e5!? Nd7 44.h4! g4 45.e6 Nb8! 46.Nd3 Nc6 47.Nxf4 Nxd4+ 48.Kd3 Nxf5 49.Nxd5+ Kxe6 50.Nf4+ Ke5 51.Ng6+! Kd6 52.Ke4 Ng7! 53.Nf4 f5+! 54.Ke3 Ne6 55.Nxh5 Ke5 56.g3 Nc5 and it's still not clear if Black is winning.] 43...Kd6? A mistake which could cost Black an advantage. [43...dxe4+! 44.Nxe4 Nd5] 44.Ke2! Nc8

45.Kd2?! [More or less forced way to a draw would have been 45.h4! g4 46.Nd3 dxe4 47.Nxf4 Ne7 48.Nxh5 Nxf5 49.Nxf6 Nxd4+ 50.Ke3 Nxb3 51.h5 Nc5 52.h6 b3 53.h7 b2 54.Nxe4+ Nxe4 55.h8Q b1Q 56.Qd4+=] 45...Ne7 46.Kd3 Kc6 47.exd5+ Nxd5 48.Ne4 g4 49.hxg4 hxg4 50.g3 Ne7 51.gxf4 Nxf5 52.d5+ Kc7

53.d6+? [White could escape with 53.Nxf6 g3 54.Ke2 Nd4+ 55.Ke3! Kd6!? (55...Nxb3 56.Ne4! g2 57.Kf2 Kb6 58.f5 Nc5 59.Nd2 Nxa4 60.f6 Nc5 61.Nc4+ Kb5 62.f7 Nd7 63.Ne5 Nf8 64.d6 Kb6 65.d7 Kc7 66.Nc6 Kxd7 67.Nxa5=) 56.Ne4+ Kxd5 57.Nd2 Nc6 58.Nc4 Kc5 59.Nd2! and White should be able to hold this.] 53...Nxd6 54.Nxf6 g3 55.Nd5+ Kc6 56.Ne7+ Kc5 57.Ke3

Ne4! Nice tactical solution! [57...Nc4+! 58.bxc4 (58.Kf3 Nd2+ leads to the game) 58...b3 59.Nd5 Kxc4–+] 58.Kf3 Nd2+ 59.Kxg3 Nxb3 60.Kf3 Nd4+ 61.Ke4 b3 62.Nd5 Ne2! 0–1
Evgenij Miroshnichenko (born 28th of December 1978), or "Miro", as he likes to be called, is international Grandmaster since 2002, two times Ukrainian Champion (2003 and 2008) and a winner of numerous international tournaments. Growing expert of women chess, as you can remember his reports and comments during the World Women Team Championship.