Analysis from the 7th round |
Dear chess lovers, you can find some spectacular moments of the seventh round below;
Gunina,Valentina - Hoang,Thanh Trang

22...Rab8? After this careless move Black's position is hardly defendable. [After 22...Bb7 White is just slightly better.] 23.Rxd5! Bxb5 [23...Nxd5 24.Bxd5+ Kf8 25.Qh8#] 24.axb5 Rxb5 25.Re5 Qg7?! [25...Qd6 26.Bf1 Rb6 27.Bc4+ Kg7 28.Qa1!±] 26.Qe2! Ng4 [26...Rxb3? 27.Qc4+ Qf7 28.Bd5 Nxd5 29.Qxb3] 27.Rxf5! gxf5 28.Qxb5 Qb2 29.Rf1 Black is helpless, as there are too many weak pawns! 29...Qd2 30.Bb7 Rc7?!

31.Bd5+! Kg7 32.Qb8 Qxd5 [32...Re7 33.Qg8+ Kh6 34.Bf7!+-] 33.Qxc7+ Kg6 34.Qf4 Qxb3 35.e4 Nf6 36.Qxf5+ Kg7 37.e5 Nd5 38.e6 Nc3 39.Qe5+ Kh6 40.e7 1–0
Muzychuk,Anna - Sebag,Marie

This, I believe, was a critical moment in the game. 22...Qc8?! [Black could take the initiative with 22...Bd4+! 23.Kh1 (23.Kg2 Bxc3 24.Qxc3 Rbxe4–+) 23...Bf2! 24.Rf1 Qh4 25.Kg2 Bc5 26.Qf3 Nf6 27.Rde1 (27.Rfe1 Nxe4 28.Nxe4 Rbxe4 29.Rxe4 Rxe4 30.Qxe4 Qg4+–+) 27...Rd4! 28.Re2 Qg4+ 29.Qxg4 Nxg4 with very strong pressure on White's center.] 23.Qf3 g6?! [23...Nxf4!? 24.Qxf4 (24.Bxf4 Qxc3) 24...Bxc3 25.Rc1 Qc5+ 26.Be3 Qc8 and White can't get more than repetition.] 24.Rc1 Qd7 25.Nd1

25...Rb6? Placing the rook on such awkward square can't be the right move! [Taking into account what happened to this rook later in the game 25...Rd4 was worth trying. 26.Bc3 Rxd1! 27.Rexd1 (27.Qxd1 Bxc3 28.Rxc3 Nxf4 with descent compensation for exchange.) 27...Bxc3 28.Rxc3 Rxe4 29.Rc4 Rxc4 30.bxc4 Qf5 and in my opinion Black has enough counterplay.] 26.Ne3 Bg7?! 27.Nc4 Rb5 28.a4?! Tempting decision, which could lead to unnecessary complications. [My dual-core friend votes for 28.f5!?, as Black rook has to go to c5 anyway sooner or later. More human seems 28.b4! a5 (28...f5 29.a4 fxe4 30.Rxe4 Rxe4 31.Qxe4 Nf6 32.Qe6+ Qxe6 33.dxe6 Rd5 34.Nb6+-) 29.Nxa5 and White has won a pawn without giving opponent much counterplay.] 28...Rc5 29.Bb4

29... Bh6? [29...b5! would let Black to stay in the game - 30.Bxc5 (30.Nxd6 Bd4+ 31.Kh1 Qxd6 32.Bxc5 Bxc5 33.e5 Qb6 , and Black is fine.) 30...bxc4 31.Ba3 cxb3 32.Rb1 Qxa4 33.Rxb3 Nxf4 34.Bxd6 Nxd5 and Black should be able to hold.] 30.Bxc5 dxc5 31.Ne5 Qc7 32.Nd3 Nxf4 33.Nxc5 Both players were short on time in this moment. 33...Qe5? Missing the last chance. [33...Nxd5!? 34.exd5 Rxe1+ 35.Rxe1 Qxc5+ 36.Kg2 Bf8, and White's task is far from being easy.] 34.Kh1! b6 35.Nxa6 f5 36.Nc7 Re7

37.Qc3 White has chosen the safest option, ensuring exchange of queens. [37.Ne6! would win on a spot - 37...Nxe6 38.exf5 Qxf5 39.Qxf5 gxf5 40.Rc6+-] 37...Qxc3 38.Rxc3 fxe4 39.d6 Rd7 40.Nb5 Nd3 41.Rc8+ Kf7 42.Rc7 Nxe1 43.Rxd7+ Kf6 44.Rxh7 Bf8 45.d7 Be7 46.Rh8 1–0
Foisor,Cristina-Adela - Cmilyte,Viktorija

38...g5?! Only attempt to break through, however a dubious one. 39.h4 [39.Bf3!? g4 40.hxg4 hxg4 41.Bg2 and White's position looks preferable to me.] 39...c5?? Impulsive move, perhaps made in a timetrouble. Ruining her own pawn structure, Black was hoping to chase the rook away from 4th rank and than take a pawn on h4, however, it turned to be from those kind of hopes which never come true. [39...Ng4!? 40.hxg5 Qxe3 41.Rxg4 Qxe2+ 42.Qxe2 Rxe2 43.Rf4 Rxa2 44.Rxf5 Rf7 and Black should be able to survive.] 40.Rd5?! Good enough, but much stronger was [40.hxg5! cxd4 41.gxf6 Qxf6 42.Rxd4 and White is close to winning as all black pawns will fall sooner or later.] 40...Nxd5 41.Rxd5?! [41.Bxd5+! Kh8 42.hxg5 and Black is in trouble, as pawn on g5 can't be recaptured. 42...Rxg5? 43.f4+-] 41...Qa1+ 42.Rd1 Qf6 43.hxg5 Qxg5 44.Nf4

Despite white hasn't played the most precise way Black's position remains difficult, as they've got no active counterplay and has to suffer defending multiple weaknesses. 44...Kh8 45.Rd5 Re5!? Perhaps the best chance - Black returns an exchange hoping to escape in the endgame with opposite colored bishops. 46.Rxe5 dxe5 47.Ne6 Qf6 48.Nxg7 Kxg7 49.Bxb7 f4 50.Kg2 fxe3 51.fxe3 h4 52.gxh4 Qxh4 53.Qf5 Qf6 54.e4

54...Qxf5?! There was no need to create a passed pawn for White, however an endgame should still be drawish. [54...Be7?!] 55.exf5 Kf6 56.Be4 Bg7 [56...Be7!? 57.Kf3 Bd8 58.Bc2 Ke7 59.Bd3 Kd6 60.Kg4 Ke7 61.Kg5 Kf7+ 62.Kg4 Ke7 and Black is meeting white king's appearance on e4 or a4 with Kd6 or Kb6 accordingly.] 57.Kf3 Ke7 58.Bc2 Bf6 59.Kg4 Kf7 60.Be4 Ke7 61.Bd5 Kf8 62.a3 Ke7 63.Be4 Kf7 64.Bc2 Ke7 65.Kh5 Kf7 66.Be4 Be7 67.Bd5+ Kf6 68.Kg4 Bf8 69.Be6 Bg7 70.Bc8 Ke7 71.a4

71...Bf6?! [71...e4! 72.Kf4 Bc3 and White can't create a second passed pawn.] 72.Bb7 Kd6 73.Be4 Ke7 74.Bc2 Kf7 75.Kf3 Ke7 76.Kg4 Kf7

77.b4!? cxb4 78.c5 78...Be7? Seems to be final mistake as I failed to find a draw for Black after this move. [78...Ke7!? should be enough for a draw, Black's idea could be seen in the following line - 79.Kh5 Kd7 80.Be4 Be7 81.c6+ Kc7 82.Kg6 b3 83.f6 Bd6 84.Kg7 b2 85.f7 b1Q 86.Bxb1 Kxc6 87.f8Q Bxf8+ 88.Kxf8 Kc5 89.Ke7 Kb4 90.Bc2 e4=] 79.c6 Bd6 80.Kf3 Kf6 81.Ke4 Bc7 82.Kd5 b3!? [82...Ke7 83.Kc5 Bd8 84.f6+ Kxf6 85.Kd6 Bb6 86.c7 Bxc7+ 87.Kxc7 Kg5 88.Kd6 Kf4 89.Kd5 and White is winning.] 83.Bb1 [83.Be4! b2 84.Kc4 Ke7 85.Kb3 and Black is just in time to take b2 without losing c6 pawn.] 83...Ke7 [83...b2!? 84.Kc4 Ke7 85.Kc5!+-]

84.Kc5! [84.Kc4? Kd6! 85.Kb5 (85.Be4 b2 86.Kb3 b1Q+=) 85...Kd5! 86.f6 Ke6 87.Ka6 e4! 88.Bxe4 Kxf6 89.Kb7 Ke5 90.Bb1 Kd6=] 84...Bd8 [84...b2 85.Be4 Bd8 (85...Kf6 86.Kb5+-) 86.f6+! doesn't make much difference.] 85.f6+ Kxf6 86.Kd6 b2 87.c7 Bxc7+ 88.Kxc7 Kg5 89.Kd6 Kf4 90.Kd5 Ke3 91.Kxe5 Kd2 92.Kd4 Kc1 93.Bh7 [93.Bh7 b1Q 94.Bxb1 Kxb1 95.Kc4 Kc2 96.Kb5 Kc3 97.Kxa5 Kc4 98.Kb6] 1–0
Kosintseva,Tatiana - Paikidze,Nazi

After the sharp opening struggle Black has got an advantage... 32...bxc4? But this move just gives it away! [32...b4! would offer much better prospects to win the game - 33.Ra1 !? (otherwise Black's connected passers becoming extremely dangerous) 33...Nd3! 34.Red1 Ngf4 35.Rxa6 b3 36.Bf1 b2 37.Rb1 Rb3! planning to invade on first rank via c3, where White's position seems to be critical. ] 33.Nxc4! Nxc4 34.Rxd7 Rb2 35.Rc1 [Of course not 35.Rxe6? Rxg2+] 35...Nf4 This leads to a draw by force. [After 35...Nge5 36.Re7 in my humble opinion it's Black who has to be careful.] 36.Rxc4 Rxg2+ 37.Kf1 Rg4 38.h3 Rh4 39.Re7 Ng6 40.Rxh4 Nxe7 41.Ra4 Kf7 42.Kf2 Kf6 43.Kf3 h5 44.Ke4 g5 45.Rxa6 Nf5 1/2
Evgenij Miroshnichenko (born 28th of December 1978), or "Miro", as he likes to be called, is international Grandmaster since 2002, two times Ukrainian Champion (2003 and 2008) and a winner of numerous international tournaments. Growing expert of women chess, as you can remember his reports and comments during the World Women Team Championship.